Friday, March 13, 2009


I feel incomplete because I didn't post earlier, but I guess I'm only about 40 minutes late.

I didn't get to write because I took the long journey from good ole syracuse to the big city. I have seen some crazies already, but that's one of the reason why I love the city.

The thing that's the best though is all the music you hear. Today I saw a family harmonizing their ooohs and ahhhs, a guy playing the guitar, and some other randos.

Then when I'm always waiting for the train I get an urge to sing Disney songs for some reason. I don't know if it's in the air or something, but I always want to bust out the Little Mermaid and Lion King soundtracks. So for your pleasure I'm going to take you back to your childhood and share these wonderful videos. (So after trying numerous times this computer won't let me embed so here our the links...sorry)

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