Monday, March 30, 2009

Music is My Stream of Consciousness

I had nothing to contribute to the discussion in class today so I decided to keep track of all the songs that popped in my head while everyone else was talking. I mean how can you talk about Lincoln for around 90 minutes? This may not be that entertaining to you to read, but I thought it was interesting. I came up with some pretty different songs while everyone talked about presidents and power and the constitution. I started about half way through class so there would probably be more than this. 
Here's the list but you can listen to it below.
1.)what's your name 2.)the scientist 3.)everybody knows 4.)Superstar 5.)I wonder 6.)lesson learned 7.)take it slow 8.)defying gravity 9.)i will survive 10.) i can see clearly now 11.)less is more 12.) it's tricky 13.)success 14.)too legit to quit 15.)give it to me baby 16.) protection 17.) politik 18.) just around the riverbend 19.)the way that you move girl 20.) paper airplanes 21.)sir duke 22.) gimme more 23.)the general 24.)fidelity 25.)sex, love, and money 26.)got to give it up 27.)rough riders 28.) love train 29.) higher ground 30.) mr president 31.) mrs officer 32.) 1 thing 33.) so high

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