Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Song of the Day: "Boyfriend #2"

I'm not supporting this song/ saying I like this song, but I chose it so you could have a little humor in your day. This song is complete ridiculousness. I laugh every time I hear it. So I thought I'd give you a little breakdown of the thoughts that go through my mind when I listen to this song by Pleasure P. (Push play now and you can read along with the song haha)

So it starts all nice with the piano and then whammy you get the lil'wayne "Ya digg" and it gets freaky. I mean it's not that big of a surprise..his name does have the word pleasure in it.
So then you get the graphic details...well not really graphic, but i'm pretty sure if i were younger and my mom heard this on the radio she would change the channel.
Thenn "I'll go get the camera"....wooooow. He's a freak.
You think it's all good and then you remember the title of the song "Boyfriend #2" And then I'm like who has a boyfriend #2? I guess there are some girls out there that have them, but I don't support that. And if you're a boyfriend #2 that completely sucks for you...definitely agree with the lyrics "cause second place always gotta whole lot to prove."
And then this sexy voice comes out of left field ... "Just Call." I think that's the best part of the whole song because I can't take sexy voices seriously.haha
Then back to details...blah blah blah
"Don't fuss, don't fight, don't argue" baby!!!
Ohhh and then you gotta get the listener participation. Let's show the world all the ladies who have a buddy on the side....but I'm pretty sure you're not a lady if you're sleeping around with 2 or more guys. Just gonna throw that out there, you can throw it right back if you want. And the use of "buddy." Really? Is he just trying to justify it by using a term buddy cause you can never get serious with a buddy.
"So whenever you're in the mood just call.." I'm thinking bf #2 may be a little needy. Why can't you find some other girl to pleasure if you like doing it so much? huh huh??? Cause you're definitely not #1 and you will most likely never be #1.(That kinda reminds me of "My Best Friend's Wedding" where Julia Roberts tells Cameron Diaz she will never be jello..haha)
If a girl says you're #2, she's just using you as a fall back, and personally who wants to be that? Have a little respect for yourself. You shouldn't have to prove yourself.

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