Thursday, November 5, 2009

Estonians Can Rock It: Kerli

I really love raw instrumentals with less synthesized stuff, but I'm liking what Kerli has to offer. Her album dropped Love is Dead dropped in 2008, but I had never heard of her until this week. Where have I been? But fun fact, she is the first Estonian to reach the Billboard 200.

So this combination of artists I'm about to rattle off that she reminds me of may rack your brain, but this is what comes to me: Santogold,Muse,Evanescence, Linkin Park and Natasha Beddingfield. She has this innocent voice that can be powerful and strained and the music goes from playful to raspy to a lil hard. It's a little overwhelming to my ears and brain to process at first, but I like it.

She said she wrote the album in over five years and she was coming out a depression, so I'm pretty sure that's way there's such a wide range of emotion going on in this album. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a fairytale and other times I feel like I should be in an dark underground bar with crazy people.

Here are some songs for your listening pleasure. But check her website out.

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