Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Perfect Marriage

I've tried to tell everyone I know about this perfect marriage, but just in case I didn't tell you, here's the low down. The perfect marriage has taken place and it's between one of the best rappers and an amazing English alternative rock band. This may seem crazy, but don't judge it until you listen to it. If you can't tell who these pictures are of or can't assume whom I'm talking about, it's Radiohead and Jay-Z. Together they make Jaydiohead. Click here and you can download/listen to it. 
The combo is of Jay-Z's songs with Radiohead's beats. Some of my friends have said that they don't like it because the Radiohead beats are too slow for Jay-Z's lyrics, but you definitely have to go into it with an open mind. I think it's interesting and great that you can mash up rap and alternative together so flawlessly. 
My favorite tracks are probably Change Order and Lucifer's Jigsaw. 
As you can see they also combine the name of the songs together so you know which songs they originate from. The other tracks are:
-Wrong Prayer
-99 Anthems
-No Karma
-Optimistic Moment
-Dirt Off Your Android
-Dreaming Up
-Fall In Step
-Ignorant Swan
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE this combination. i was actually going to send you the link so you could blog it. dirt off your android is great. played it at a party on thursday and people were like wtf/this is awesome.