Thank you Edwin for the photo!
So last night was the big show...and it was great. I arrived late because I had to work so I missed J.Cole, but I was in time for Colin Munroe. I was pretty disappointed about the whole J.Cole situation because I had just heard of him and liked the song and then some girl told me he rocked it, but a girl's gotta make some money. (sorry for that long sentence. i just like to let things flow)
Colin was pretty good. Not really what the crowd was expecting, but they eventually got into it. He played the drums while standing up, played the keyboard, rapped, sang, his guitarist rocked, and his prerecorded looped stuff was on fiyah!! ha He was pretty energetic, but I don't know if he really fit into the set up. I liked him though...what can I say?..I like the guys that can sing and play the piano.
Then Wale came on stage after everyone was screaming for him. I think there might have been a good 20 minute break between him and Colin. I don't know if that's right because I was anticipating the whole thing or he was just taking his time. My theory is that he was just trying to come a lil down from the high he was on.
I believe the first song was Break Down...definitely a good choice since it starts off with "Allow me to introduce me my name is wal-ay don't say wal-eee." There were some people screaming walee in the crowd earlier...seriously, if you're going to go see a guy at least know how to pronounce his name. It's called respect.
Then he went into "Good Girls." I like this song..i think it's funny. But he said it was to get the ladies in the crowd warmed up and ready for the performance.
The set list continued on....I don't remember the order but he did w.a.le.d.a.n.c.e, ice cream girl, the artist integrity, nike boots, and more. One of the last songs was his new hit "Chillin." It was evident that a lot of the crowd didn't know a lot of his old stuff....we still got into it...but when Chillin came on, everyone went wild. He ended with Nike Boots...might have been the crowd favorite.
On to the Go Go Band....wow, they were great. I came out of the concert wanting more of that. If anyone can suggest more go go music please let me know. He did take the time to give a little tutorial of the history of go go. That was pretty nice. haha
He also graced us with a freestyle ..he said something along the lines of "don't try this at home." Yeah, I won't. Things got a lil harsh. He said muthafucka Charles Hamilton and got on sonic..haha This is where the beef starts.
I went home and I had to tell Charles. I'm a fan of him too. And this is what went down. Via Twitter.(Twitter is powerful..I had no idea)

So that's what went down...well all that I really wanted to show you guys. If you follow both of them you can go back and see more. A lot of people got involved. I don't think it was an April Fool's joke though. Who would plan that in their freestyle..c'mon. Yes, they are labelmates, but they're still fighting for a similar audience. I just think it's funny that I think I might have started it all. ha. I told them both that they should come perform together to prove there's no beef, but that's probably not gonna happen.
If you want to read more about the concert, see more pictures, and watch an interview check out swaggerdap.blogspot.com. One of the contributors (Meezy) was in the aforementioned convo. It's also a good blog to follow too. Got to support.
update: Charles blogged/ did screen shots of the convo too. check it at charleshamilton.blogspot.com
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