I dove into my latest issue of Rolling Stone and was elated with the content. If you've already read this issue you might as well skip this post because I'm going to give you a run down of the wonderfulness I found. 1. This isn't music related, but they had a great feature story about Hulk Hogan.
2. For all you pirates out there, beware! There's this thing out there called Web Sheriff. They only have a staff of 20, according to the article, and they are hired by artists to search for their content online. The article mentions 3 big groups: Animal Collective, Van Morrison, and Prince. So if you have any content like photos, interviews, etc the sheriff may be contacting you. I tried to find their other clients but I couldn't. Here's what they offer:

3. There is a bill being proposed to stop scalping concert tickets. New York Senator Charles Schumer wants true fans to be able to have the chance of buying tickets for the best seats...no more scalpers please.
4. The ad for Bonnaroo caught my eye. Who wants to go? I'm saying we go on a road trip to TN. Some performers:
- janelle monae, rodrigo y gabriela, girl talk, erykah badu, beastie boys, snoop, vieux farka toure, raphael saadiq
I'm so excited!
5. The "From the Vault" section kinda scares me because it's from 1994 and I remember every song. Does that mean I'm getting old.
Go out and get the issue. It's great!
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