Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More New New
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Song
RS Preview
Music is My Stream of Consciousness
- What's Your Name by Usher Feat. will.i.am
- The Scientist by Coldplay
- Everybody Knows by John Legend
- Superstar by Lupe Fiasco
- Ordinary People by John Legend
- I Wonder by Kanye West
- Loading Playlist...
Good or Not?

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Some People Just Make Bad Decisions
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
It's the Remix and So Much More

Thursday, March 26, 2009
I Wonder
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What a relief!
He Just Wants Some Mickey Ds
Mystery Man

I was on the search for new music as per usual and found this song by Jyant. Apparently he was a part of the group Metro City, who was signed to Interscope. They quite their contract in 2007..this may or may not be true, but that's what I read. But anyway...I've never heard of them or him before and I was intrigued. I searched for more information and couldn't find anything, so if you guys know anything, please fill me in. I'm not saying he's amazing, but he's a new voice for me. And he's working with Ryan Leslie so that's a plus?!?! He kinda has the sound of Usher with a lil bit of Ne-yo. You're basic pop hip-hop mixture, if I may say so. I'm thinking this is a new song, "Do You Wanna Ride," but I could just be slow.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A New Piano Man

Monday, March 23, 2009
Lucky Girl
It Made It
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Good concerts for once
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Love It!
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Prayer
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thanks Emily!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I'm back!! Block Party
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Sickness
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tell me who your diva is.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Singers with blogs
1. Kanye West
-I don't know if this is true, but it seems like he was one of the first singers to have a blog updated everyday and multiple times. He doesn't really talk about his life so much, but he posts things that he's interested in. It's a way to get to know his "inner being" haha that really cheesey.
2. Common
- He mostly posts videos and things that he's doing on the road.
3. Charles Hamilton
-He posts everyday and sometimes multiple times. He talks about life in the studio, other artists, videos he likes, videos of him, etc. He always has a funny comment about something.
4. John Legend
- He just writes about where he is on his tour. It's not that special, but you can keep track of where he is.
5. MIA
She doesn't really have so much of a blog, but she writes often on her myspace.
I'm sure there's plenty of others but those are the ones I frequently visit. Enjoy!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I didn't get to write because I took the long journey from good ole syracuse to the big city. I have seen some crazies already, but that's one of the reason why I love the city.
The thing that's the best though is all the music you hear. Today I saw a family harmonizing their ooohs and ahhhs, a guy playing the guitar, and some other randos.
Then when I'm always waiting for the train I get an urge to sing Disney songs for some reason. I don't know if it's in the air or something, but I always want to bust out the Little Mermaid and Lion King soundtracks. So for your pleasure I'm going to take you back to your childhood and share these wonderful videos. (So after trying numerous times this computer won't let me embed so here our the links...sorry)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
CD News

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I Take It Back
Monday, March 9, 2009
I Totally Forgot About His Awesomeness
Kind of New Singer

Sunday, March 8, 2009
I dunno about this one..
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Jimmy and The Roots!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ain't No Sunshine
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Music and Shoes

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Great Guy, Great Music

I don't know if you took the time to read the comments or not, but people requested him to try out for the next American Idol and said he was the best cover of "Skinny Love"on youtube...so I know I'm not the only one enjoying his voice and music. I guess I should tell you a little bit more about his past because people like that kind of stuff. He started singing when he was around 3 years old, but his rapping and studio experience started in 7-8th grade. That's also when he really got into writing stuff. He starting playing guitar right before the summer of '05 but during the summer he broke his hand and couldn't practice his new talent.Everyone can thank his high school roommate for teaching him how to play the guitar. Yeah, that's right I said he had a roommate in high school. He went to Idyllwild Arts Academy, an arts boarding school in the mountains above palm springs. This is also where one of his musical influences(Trevor Hall) went, so isn't that just schweeet. His top 5...he'd probably change some of them now because who can really name only five, but anyway he said: Common, Trevor Hall, Bob Marley, Nas, and Stevie Wonder. His inspirations pop into his head sometimes, but sometimes he'll just hear a song and immediately think of something. He said his song "Reverend" came from listening to Amos Lee's "Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight." He's also learned to write his shit in his phone so he doesn't forget it. That would suck if he had an awesome concept and then totally forgot it....So I should have a really nice transition right here, but my brain is starting to get a lil fried.haha sorry. But you can find his songs on myspace, like I said before, but he's also on Itunes. That's right...Itunes.You can buy his EP "Sun in December" for just $4.95.He said a lot of people are like "dude, wow you're official." He's trying to play it down, but I still think it's pretty cool. He said there's a website...tunecore.com...that's 20 bucks a year and it takes about a month and a half to get up there.He said they take about 1.90 or something like that for each purchase so that's not that bad. The comments/reviews are all really good too. He says, "I'm gracious as hell. It doesn't enlarge my head much, I try not to let anything do that, but yeah i'm very gracious, for the money spent and for the time spent to write the review,and of course their ears."So hopefully you guys can increase the number of ears for him. He says he wants to be somewhere between getting big in the industry and just making music. He said, "I definitely want it to be hear by a good amount of people. That'd be really nice, but honestly,if makin it big is not supposed to happen, I can live with that. I really would just enjoy makin my music, being in love, and living happily. I have the gift of music and thats enough, it's a blessing you know? the gift of art itself. its an outlet and thats just enough for me."There's so much more about him, but I'm gonna let you find out for yourself.So yeah there ya go. I'm done "suckin dick" as my friend would say. (if you don't get that phrase..it just means praising talent or something you like ..haha) Check him out. I'm not going to analyze his music like I try to do with others because I want you to check it out yourself. But try to appreciate the emotions and range in his voice along with the rawness of musical talent. If you didn't click on the link before..here's his myspace page...and then if you look for his Itunes type in Caleb and click on the first Caleb (rock) and his ep is "Sun in December."
In closing I'm going to leave with some more of his words. "lovvvveeeeeee. just to do so. Know what I mean? to anybody."
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
There is Other Music Than Hip-Hop

Mad Old But Way Too Ridiculous Not To Share
One of the biggest songs in the country last year was an inane, sex-chant-infused Southern rap called "Crank That(Soulja Boy)," by young Soulja Boy Tell Em, from tiny Batesville, Mississippi, population 7,113. Soulja Boy Tell Em turned 18 this summer and is looking forward to voting for the first time. His monster hit song included repeated assertions of a cartoonishly absurd sex act: supermanning, or as he elaborated repeatedly in the song, "Superman that ho," which means to come on a woman's back and then put a sheet over her so it sticks to her back and she looks like she’s wearing a cape. Ridiculous stuff. He also chants repeatedly, "Supersoak that ho,” the meaning of which needs no explanation, given the neighborhood we're already in.
These are ludicrous suggestions that play into the Cro-Magnon conception of men using sex and sperm to attack and slay women. It's such a mean-spirited vision of sex that every time I heard the record I thought, I bet that before this came out, he was a virgin.
I asked him, “What historical figure do you most hate?” He said, "Shout out to the slave masters! Without them we'd still be in Africa.”
Last week in Atlanta, I got to interview Soulja Boy Tell Em. I found out just how young he really is. He was one of about ten rappers I interviewed in one day for my BET show, The Black Carpet. I decided it'd be fun to give all the rappers part of theProust questionnaire. I thought it'd be a way to get beyond image and into who they really are. Most of the guys gave good, thoughtful, intelligent, sensitive answers. I asked Juelz Santana, “How would you like to die?” He said, "Loved."
Then came Soulja Boy Tell Em. I asked him, “What historical figure do you most hate?” He was stumped. I said, "Others have said Hitler, bin Laden, the slave masters..." He said, "Oh wait! Hold up! Shout out to the slave masters! Without them we'd still be in Africa."
My jaw, at this point, was on the ground."We wouldn't be here," he continued, having no idea how far in it he'd stepped, "to get this ice and tattoos."
Wow. Never mind that diamonds come from Africa. Never mind that there were many generations of pain in between leaving Africa and getting diamonds. Never mind that the long-term cataclysmic effects of subtracting about tens of millions of young, strong people from Africa over the course of a couple of centuries is a large part of the reason why Africa now appears so distasteful to you. Never mind all that, Soulja Boy. You put country first.
WOOOOOOOW. You can find this at this link.