Since I haven't found any new music in the past 24 hours, I'm just going to open your eyes to the connection between music and shoes. It's pretty ridiculous. Here are all the connections I could think of:
1. Kanye West and his Louis V. shoe line. I personally love the red ones. There's something about guys with red shoes that I love.

2. Lupe Fiasco has a new line with Converse and the red campaign. I don't know if I really like them but at least money is going to a good charity.

3. Jessica Simpson and her slutty shoe line. Some of them are actually really cute. Too bad I can't walk in 3-4 inch heels. And I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that she now makes more money through her shoes than her music.

4.There's the converse campaign with Santogold and Pharrell and that one other dude. The made a song for it too...pretty sweet.
5. Nelly's AF 1 song. that just makes me laugh.
6. Vanessa Hudgens and her endorsement of Ecko. Do I even need to mention her sneaker song again. But here's the video if you didn't look at it before...Just because it makes me laugh uncontrollably.
7. Like I said before the whole incident with Cudi getting tasered at a Reebok event.
8. Paolo Nutini's song with the Puma commercials
9. These boots were made for walkin- Nancy Sinatra or Jessica Simpson or the others
10.My adidas - RUN DMX
11. Elvis's Blue Suede Shoes--I'm think he made suede shoes hot.
12. The whole connection with Nike running shoes and Itunes. The shoes link up to Itunes for a specific playlist and then it also helps with your training. I read in my ADV book that it actually has motivational speaking in between songs and if you get sluggish it will play a song that will pump you up. It actually seems pretty cool if you read into it.
13. Amy Winehouse Fuck Me Pumps song...hilarious. I was trying to put the video up but it won't allow me to embed it, but listen to it if you can.
14. KC and the Sunshine Band- Boogie Shoes...i have some good memories with that song and it's good to listen to while you're gettin ready.
**And there are lots more I'm sure.
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