So I've come to the realization that there has been an emergence of a lot of new players in the rap/ hip-hop scene and I thought I'd look into it. The two that stood out to me where Kid Cudi and Drake.

So I'll start with a little background of each of them so you can get a feel of what they're coming from and maybe it will help you with your decision of who you like better.
His real name is Scott Mescudi...Kid Cudi is definitely a better name. Good choice on his part. He's 25, reigning from OHIO...woo midwest. He is signed to g.o.o.d music, so there's definitely an influence of Kanye. This is probably why I lean a lil more toward him. He was a part of Kanye's Welcome to Heartbreak, Paranoid, and Heartless.
His real name is even better....Aubrey Drake Graham. He's Canadian..wooo double whammy of misfortune. (Sorry, but ever since I was hit by a French Canadian semi-driver I don't like them) He is 22 and a former actor on Degrassi. I'm pretty sure one of his main influences is Lil'Wayne since Wayne is featured in several of his songs. This might be the reason why I don't lean toward him.
So here's the scoop of their mixtapes. Brace yourself because this is where it's gonna get long and detailed.
KID CUDI: A Kid Named Cudi (17 tracks)
2.Down & Out
- All I have to say on this one is that I like the beat.
3. Is There Any Love (ft. Wale)
-Definitely one of my favorites. The hook is really rememberable. And I love the "Can't stand evil bitches with their fendis" line...ooh how it reminds me of Syracuse girls.
4. CuDi Get
The little kid's voice is just hilarious.
5. Man On The Moon (The Anthem)
6. The Prayer
He's actually singing on this one and when that happens I'm always hooked. Also reminds me of when I was younger and always said my night prayers. But all around good song.
7.Day N Nite
My favorite song and probably the most known song of his. The lyrics are really good. I suggest reading them if you have the time. cudi-day-n-nite-lyrics. Also check out the video. I know I've already said this before but it's pretty great.
8. Embrace the Martian
9. Maui Wowie
Pretty great that this song is just about smoking Maui Wowie. And I gotta love the reference to John Legend's Get Lifted. He's even laughing in this song..c'mon.
10.50 Ways to Make A Record
Oooh his singing voice. Love his lil vibrato in there. And the subject of the song is good.
The line "My heart beats faster when you open your thighs." WOoooow, that's all I have to say. Also the added symphony in the back is great. Him also sounding a lil like Busta when he says whenever is just great.
12. Pillow Talk
Now this song is more like speaking and it's pretty blunt. One of the lines that was just ridiculous to me was " smell good like new shoes." Now if he's a lover of new shoes..ok but shoes..really? I don't particularly want to be compared to the smell of shoes.
13. Save My Soul
I really like this one. It shows how people all of a sudden want to be in your life when you get successful or have a little light shown on you. Good line : "Everybody wanna stick on me like a leech."
14. T.G.I.F. (ft. chip the ripper)
15. Cudi Spazzin
Sample from N.E.R.D. never a bad thing to do.
16. Cleveland is the Reason
17. Heaven At Nite
About this whispering...hmmm Very chill so I like.
You can listen to this or download it at this link.
DRAKE:So Far Gone (17 tracks)
1.Lust for Life
2. Houstatlantavegas
One of my favs. Definitely think I'll always have a memory attached to it. His voice is just pure sex in this song. The singing is good and then the transition to rapping is flawless. I wouldn't mind if he was singing this to me. ..ha
3. Successful (ft. Trey Songz and Lil Wayne)
So the lil choir singing at the beginning...that's interesting. The hook of " i want the money..the cars..the clothes..the hoes I suppose.I just wanna be successful" is catchy. This song is full of catchy phrases...just like most of lil' wayne's songs. My other favorites are "This lost boy got fly without the peter pan" and " shopping spree to get whatevers in store." Overall I like this one.
4. Lets Call it Off (ft. Peter Bjorn and John)
5. November 18th
Damn!!! That voice is a lil creepy. With lyrics like "pussy's only pussy" and "I'll just fuck you like we're in Houston" I don't think i'm a big fan of this one. What do these really mean? Definitely not a turn on.
6. Ignant Shit (ft. Lil Wayne)
Definitely an array of "ignant shit" listed off with sampling. I want new stuff..cmon. Then lil wayne's contribution to this track was pretty ridiculous.
7. A Night Off (ft. Lloyd)
So this is what goes through an artist's mind. So you think this was a considerate song about taking a night off from the studio to hang with your girl, but i'm pretty sure he's just taking a break so he can sex you up. Then the line "I know what to do wit it" is too deep for his range. It sounds like he's going to take my soul and then right after he says that he goes into this high pitch girly voice....not a good decision.
8. Say Whats Real
9.Little Bit (ft. Lykke Li)
So this is the first song I ever heard from him...probably why it's my favorite. But I do have to say I struggle if I like Lykke's original version or this remix. I like his contribution but i wish they would have kept the line of " for you I keep my legs apart and forget about my tainted heart.."
10. Best I Ever Had
Another song I really like. It's nice in general but then the line "You're the FUCKIN best" kinda ruins the mood. Then when he says "Make your pussy whistle like the Andy Griffith theme song" with the emphasis and drawn out "whistle" it's just not pleasant. It reminds me of Opie which reminds me of Gingers...ughhh. But i do like this line "you can have my heart. We can share it like the last slice."
11. Unstoppable (ft. Santogold and lil Wayne)
The reference of Mr. Feeny cracked me up. Drake was only on the track for 51 secs out of 3:30 minutes. Again Lil Wayne's contribution was ridiculous. Some of the things he says just flabbergast me.
12. Uptown (ft. Bun B and Lil wayne)
13. Sooner or Later
Does he really deserve a second chance? sounds a lil desperate
14. Bria's interlude
15. The Calm
16. Outro
17. Brand New
Umm I dunno if people really want to know about past relationships. " Did he give you lovin like this?" "Is anything I'm doin brand new?" Kinda reminds me of the scene from Closer with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen and he's asking about her six with Jude Law. ..ohhh geez.
You can listen or download his mixtape right here
So there's the break down of their mixtapes. Hopefully you found this interesting.If not I'm sorry I put you through this. If you haven't noticed I kinda like Kid Cudi a bit more. I think his mixtape is a better collection of songs. I like Drake's singing voice a lot better, but I think Cudi is better with some of his lyrics. Drake is more like Lil'Wayne in that he has catchy phrases, but I want someone who can do it all.
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